Becky Gorman

For more than 20 years, Becky Gorman, PA-C has worked as a coach, facilitator, mentor, trainer, and speaker. She has impacted thousands of individuals through her corporate work and one-on-one consulting practice, has taught at the university level for more than a decade, and has delivered her unique insights to employees at U.S. and international firms, including Fortune 100 and 500 companies.
The Inner Dialogue
In all I do, I work from the philosophy that each of us innately knows what is best for ourselves. The answers and solutions are always with us. We may not always feel that way, though. When we’re encouraged to explore in an open and receptive environment, clarity emerges. Once we are clear, we take action and move forward far more easily. It’s quite powerful.
Be yourself and become the place where others can be themselves.
What We Do
Consulting & Workshops